Know your Body type! (jockey person to person & me)

8:33:00 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Identifying your body type
Hourglass - If your waist measurement is smaller than your bust & hip by 4" or more
Barrel -Your waist measures 3” more than your bust and hips.
Inverted Triangle -Your bust measurement is greater by 3” or more than your hip and waist measurements.
Straight -If your waist, hips and bust do not differ in measurement by more than 2” inches.
Pear-Your hips are 4”or more larger than your waist and your bust & waist do not differ significantly.
Apple - You are less than 5’3” and your waist measures 2” more than your bust and hips.

Look for additional posts on do's & don't according to your body type
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