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Over the next month, I will be featuring different fashionista's guide to their style!  I will interview them and feature them weekly!  This week I am featuring, a mother of three, school teacher and a lady who looks fabulous ALL the time!!  

A BUSY MOM'S GUIDE TO STYLE!!  by Linda Buffington. 
  • Who is your style Icon and why
I wouldn’t say I have a specific style icon.  I like to look through magazines and see the different ways that items of clothing can be put together.  I get ideas from people I see daily.  I have no problem walking up to a complete stranger and asking her where she got her outfit.  When someone does that to me, I take it as a total compliment.  
  • what are your favorite stores to shop at & why
I love shopping at a variety of stores.  Ann Taylor is one of my favorites, because of its timeless classic pieces.  I still have a gorgeous dress that I purchased 10 years ago.  It still works, even today.  Anthropologie is a store I love because of their unique styles.  It allows me to be a little edgy and different and try new things.  

  • favorite go to piece
I have a definite jean issue.  I love jeans and would wear a pair everyday if I could.  There’s nothing like the perfect pair of jeans.  
  • define classy and stylish
As I’ve grown older, classy and stylish have become positives.  For the students I teach, those terms mean old, outdated, and boring.  To me, they mean so much more.  If I could be defined as classy and stylish, it would be a huge compliment.  Ageless and timeless are words that are synonymous to classy and stylish.  In simple terms, a person who is classy and stylish is comfortable enough to not have to show more skin than appropriate.  
  • Name one article of clothing you cannot live without
Shoes…I love shoes!

  • advice on how a working mom who teaches middle school should dress
I’ve become so much more comfortable with my sense of style recently.  I feel like I can be stylish, and at the same time, be a positive role model for the kids in my middle school classes.  I want these young ladies especially to understand that you can still look fashionable without showing skin.  Everywhere these girls look, they see women revealing so much more than is necessary.  I want them to understand that growing older does not mean that you have to sacrifice style.  I want them to realize that you can still be a professional and look put together and appropriate.  

  • One Indulgence when it comes to fashion/style
I have two indulgences when it comes to fashion and style…jeans and shoes.  I have gorgeous shoes that I purchased years ago.  I don’t mind spending a little more on shoes because I know I will wear them, take care of them, and I know they will last.  I’ve also learned that if I spend a little extra on my jeans, they too will last.  
  • When it comes to your style - what is most important to you.....comfort, style & classy, or doesn’t matter as long as I look good:)
I would have to say…it doesn’t matter, as long as I look good.  There are times I will sacrifice comfort for a certain outfit, but at other times, a put together casual look is the way to go.
  • Favorite shopping tip
Everything and I mean everything eventually goes on sale if you wait long enough.  And if a store doesn’t have your size anymore, it wasn’t meant to be.  There are also a lot of places that will do a price adjustment if an item goes on sale within a specific time.  I love it when that happens, because I’ll usually take the savings and purchase another great piece!
Tell us a little more about yourself.
I’m a 40 year old, married, mother of three, middle school teacher.  I love my Lord with all of my heart and hope that He uses me to impact others daily.  One of my daily endeavors is having a healthy balance as far as shopping is concerned.  I truly do enjoy “the hunt,” and find that as more time passes on a shopping trip, the more energized I become.  I’ve been known to go on day long shopping sprees!  I may not come home with much, but I love the entire process.  I have to be really careful to not allow that to become an idol in my life.  I’ve learned to be wise in my purchases and allow the every now and then splurge!  

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