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Fashion Statement or Fashion Faux Pas?

part 2 

6. Messy Shoes
Take care of your shoes, for they complete your look. Also ensure that your shoes complement your outfit 
7. Over Accessorizing & having all accessories that match - matching earrings, necklaces, etc.
 Don't let sales people sell you accessories that match - instead ask them to help you find items that compliment each other. 
8. Bras and bra straps that show
When wearing sleeveless tops, ensure you wear a racer back bra. Don't wear bras that fit too tightly or don't provide good support.
9. Wearing inappropriate clothes
For the work environment, avoid flashy clothes (unless you are in a creative field). Do not wear short skirts, (more than 3 inches above the knee) sleeveless tops, plunging necklines, stilettos, too much jewelry, leather pants or skirts, or anything that shimmers.
10.  Showing lack of confidence - embrace your figure and find the best outfits that flatter you.  

What items should you spend money on? 

  • A good bra
  • a good pair of shoes such as ballet flats
  • little black dress
  • items you are going to wear as a staple - classic pieces such as white shirt, black skirt, dress slacks, nice pair of jeans, etc.

What items can you go cheap? tank tops, basic tees - items that will be replaced after one or two seasons, belts, trendy piece that you will only wear once or twice but not fabric cheap.  Find them on sale.

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